Privacy Policy

Straight Up Poker does not share personal information with any third parties.

Information we collect

We collect users' email addresses for the purpose of sending users important, non-promotional email. This email address is never shared with anyone.

In some cases, the IP address of the user may be logged.

Some user activity within the game might be logged to our servers, this is used for diagnostic purposes. This information is not personally identifiable, but may contain a unique ID to correlate events to the same machine.

All online games are archived, and the data within those games may include in game chat. Please never post sensitive information in in-game chat. Archived games may be used to improve future versions of the software, not limited to training data for machine learning for in-game AI players. LAN game and local game data is not sent to the servers, unless as part of a user-initiated bug report.

Non-user environmental data may or may not be collected, such as operating system, free resources, and running programs.

The license for this software lives on the server. The server issues short-term local licenses to user accounts in good standing. Even for users who own a "forever" license, they must log-in periodically to be issued a new local short term license. Should Straight Up Poker ever cease oline operations, an opportunity will be provided for license holders to obtain a local license that does not expire.

No information collected is ever shared with third parties, unless required by a court of law in the United States.

User passwords are irreversibly encrypted. We cannot recover an existing password. Please use good practices when choosing passwords, and do not re-use passwords form other accounts or sites. We are not responsible for compromised accounts.